Contributing to the advancement of healthcare in America by conducting cutting-edge medical research.
Contribuite to the advancement of Healthcare in America by conducting cutting-edge medical research and make it accessible to everyone.
We strive to make Healthcare a priority for Americans. We know a diagnosis should not have to be the end of someone’s life and look forward to an America that has effective treatments for evere medical condition.
Physicians who care
Board Certified Physicians that care and are part of the community.
We are registered with the State of Nevada as well as the Internal Revenue Service (ISR). Our EIN/Tax ID # is 83-2886275. Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you require addiotional information about our noprofit organization.
The Machuca Foundation was created
for the purpose of improving the quality of life of individuals who’s life is at risk from serious medical conditions. We believe in the advancement of medecine and we know Clinicl Research will help find safe and effective treatments for current and future patients.